What : Urban Duathlon, a fun challenge that combine two sports: BIXI cycling and running

To race at the Urban Duathlon but, most of all, to raise funds to heal more children!

Fundraising Challenge :
Each team must raise at least 750 $ in donations for the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation in order to participate to the Urban Duathlon. The team who raises the most funds will win the Yellow Jacket Charity Challenge.

Where: Dorchester Square in Montreal

When: May 28,2015, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Teams: 3 participants • 2 BIXI cyclists + 1 runner

Categories: 3 categories • Mixed, Women and Men

Dress code: Zany jacket & tie (or bow tie)

Registrations are free but in order to participate to the Urban Duathlon, each team must raise a minimum of $750 in donations.

>> Register

NB: You can register now even if you do not have all team member confirmed yet. The person who registers a team will have access to the team's Headquarters at all time and will be able to add team member's names later on if needed.


Meeting point : Square Dorchester in Montreal

11:00 a.m. : Teams arrival
11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. : Registrations and team photo
12:00 p.m. : Race instructions
12:30 p.m. : Race shogun start
1:45 p.m. : Winners announcement, prizes and awards


Yellow Jacket Award: Team that raises the most funds for the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation as part of the Yellow Jacket Charity Challenge.
1st place: Séjour d’une semaine dans un Club Med* pour 2 adultes en Floride, au Mexique ou dans les Caraïbes et le transport aérien, aller-retour avec Air Canada*.
2nd place:Séjour à Boston incluant; les vols aller-retour avec Porter* ainsi que 2 nuitées pour 2 personnes à l'hotel Omni Parker House*.

Green Jacket Award: Fastest team of each category (Mixed, Women and Men).
1st place of each category: A bike offered by Priemau Velo.

Checkered Jacket Award: Team dressed with the zaniest attire.
1st place: A gift-certificate for a diner at the Place Ville Marie Keg ($ 750 value)

Red Jacket National Bank Award : Company who has the largest numbers of teams at the Urban Duathlon.

* Conditions may apply.

Race and Relay Details

Relay length and laps
1st part – Runner’s 1st part = 1.7 km = 21/2 laps
2nd part – BIXI, 1st cyclist = 3.5 km = 5 laps
3rd part – BIXI 2nd cyclist = 3.5 km = 5 laps
4th part – Runner’s 2nd part = 1.7 km = 21/2 laps

NB: There is only one runner per team and he runs the 1st and 2nd running segment. The runner starts and finished the race for is team.

Race Procedure

Before the race

  • Each the members needs to attach a time ship on their shoe before race star.
  • Right before the race starts, runners will be asked to advance to the start line on Metcalfe with their small briefcase in hand.
  • All cyclists will go to the BIXI relay zone on Mansfield where they'll stand next to the BIXI sporting their team number and wait for their runner teammate.
    !!! We ask that cyclists wait for their teamate in their assigned spot in order to free up the relay zone and ensure the smooth flow of participants.

After race start

  • After race start, runners will be directed to the running lane. They will run 21/2 laps.
  • After completing their laps, each runner enter the BIXI relay zone and hand over the briefcase to their cyclist 1 teammate who secures it to the BIXI.
  • The cyclist 1 then leaves the BIXI relay zone, heads north on Mansfield and rides 5 laps.
    !!! Getting on your BIXI while in the relay zone is strictly prohibited. Disembarkation and boarding lines will be clearly marked at each relay zone’s entrance and exit.
  • After runners hand over the briefcase to their cyclist 1 teammate, they can stay on the side of the BIXI relay zone to wait for their next relay with the cyclist 2, but they must leave space for the other participants entering and leaving the BIXI relay zone.
  • Once cyclist 1 completes 5 laps, he enters the BIXI relay zone, dismount the BIXI at the disembarkation line and hands it over to its teammate, cyclist 2, in the BIXI relay zone.
  • Cyclist 2 then exit the BIXI relay zone, gets on the BIXI at the boarding line and rides 5 laps.
    !!! We ask that cyclists be extremely careful when entering the circuit since other cyclists will already be riding their laps.
  • Once cyclist 2 has completes 5 laps he enters the BIXI relay zone, dismount their BIXI at the disembarkation line and return it to the spot assigned to their team. After removing the briefcase from their BIXI, cyclist 2 exit hand their runner teammate the briefcase.
  • When cyclist 1 and 2 are finished racing we ask that they leave the relay zones before cheering on their teammate.
  • Once runners get the briefcase from cyclist 2 they start running their last 21/2 laps.
  • After completing their laps they follow the arrival lane on Metcalfe street and finish the race by crossing the finish line.
  • Runners have to give back the time ship and the team briefcase to the volunteers after crossing the ¨Arrivée¨ banner.
  • Cyclist 1 and 2 also have to give back the time ship attached on their shoe to the volunteers.

After Race

  • The race ends under the ¨Arrivée¨ banner.
  • After the race is over, winning teams will be announced and prizes awarded on the Dorchester Square.
  • Snacks and drinks will be served after the race.

Time Keeping

  • A time ship as to be attached on each team member shoe.
  • Timekeeping is handled by a specialized company.
  • Every team member is responsible for counting their own laps and for passing on the timing mat.

Clothing and Equipement

  • Only the BIXI bicycles provided are permitted on the course. No other bicycles are valid.
  • IMP - Cyclists must bring their own cycling safety helmets in order to participate.
  • Please wear your Urban Duathlon zanny attire when you arrive (see "Dress Code") as there are no locker rooms available.Every team member is responsible for counting their own laps and for passing on the timing mat.
  • The organizing committee is not responsible for damage to, loss or theft of your equipment.


  • We receommand you use public transport to get to the event site. McGill or Peel metro stations are close-by.
  • Meeting point at the Montreal Dorchester Square.
  • Race path on Metcalfe, Mansfield, Sainte-Catherine and René-Lévesque streets.
  • Participants will have access to washrooms ins InfoTouriste, Place Ville-Marie and the Sun Life Building.
  • Alcoholic beverages are not allowed on site.


Regulation for all team members:

  • Relays are executed by handing off the team briefcase in the designated zones.
  • Each participant is responsible to count their laps and to past on the timing mat.
  • The Urban Duathlon is a friendly event and must be treated as such at all times. Any unsportsmanlike conduct, such as pushing or shoving, passing dangerously or disregarding safety rules will result in the offending team being disqualified.
  • Participants must be careful in curves.
  • Participants must stay in the race lanes when racing.

Regulation for BIXI Cyclists:

  • Each BIXI cyclist must complete 5 laps (3.5 km).
  • Safety helmets are mandatory at all times when a cyclist is beside and on a BIXI.
  • Cyclists must use the BIXI bearing their team number.
  • Cyclists must keep within the BIXI lanes when racing.
  • During the race, cyclists must keep the right and pass on the left.
  • Cyclist must dismount their BIXI at the designated stop line before entering the relay zone.
  • Cyclists may not mount their BIXI before they reach the designated starting line at the relay zone exit.

Regulation for Runners:

  • Each team runner will run twice during the race, in order words, 21/2 laps (1.7 km) at the start of the race, and 21/2 laps (1.7 km) at the end of the race.
  • The foot race will be run in the lanes reserved for runners.
  • During the race, runners must keep to the right and pass on the left.
  • Runners will complete the race by crossing the finish line.