Our guardian angels
Every day, the guardian angels of the Sainte-Justine Private Schools Youth Challenge tend to the needs of young accident victims – everything from minor injuries to major trauma. They provide care, comfort, treatment, physical and emotional support, rehabilitation services, surgical expertise and so much more.
Every day, your donations make a difference in our guardian angels’ lives and the lives of the children they work so hard to help.

Dr. Marianne Beaudin,
Pediatric Surgeon,
Chief of Traumatology Services
« Your support is essential for us to offer better care and a better chance of survival for these children. Thank you for taking up the challenge! »

Dr. Jocelyn Gravel,
Emergency Pediatrician
« The Youth Challenge allows us to fund research into ways of alleviating pain in trauma patients, and to make Sainte-Justine a world leader in the care of injured children. Our studies improve the care provided not only at the CHU Sainte-Justine but in all of Québec’s emergency departments. »

Dr. Michael Arsenault,
Emergency Pediatrician
« The simulation equipment acquired through the funds raised by the Youth Challenge enables us to be better prepared and more efficient in emergencies. In trauma care, every second counts! »

Dr. Catherine Farrell,
Pediatric Intensivist
« As a pediatrician in the Intensive Care Unit and at the Traumatic Brain Injury Clinic, I have seen the impact that any level of trauma can have on children and their families. Thanks to the Youth Challenge, we have been able to acquire the tools that allow us to refine our patient care, and broaden our knowledge in the field of traumatology. »

Evelyne Ally,
Physiotherapist, Surgical-Trauma Program
« As an active mom of two and a traumatology physiotherapist, I know how important physical activity is for children. I also know how many risks that can entail, especially if safety rules aren’t followed.
Being among children in trauma care every day, I have witnessed just how much the Youth Challenge can help them. We must keep on bettering our equipment to offer the best possible care for our youth! »

Jessie Laflamme,
« It’s so important for us to come together and bring positive change! »

Dr. Evelyne Doyon Trottier,
Emergency Pediatrician
« The Youth Challenge is a great tool to raise awareness about the importance of improving trauma care in Québec and get healthy kids involved. We have so much work ahead! »

Dr. Dickens Saint-Vil,
Pediatric Surgeon,
Chief, Department of Pediatric Surgery
« The Youth Challenge is an essential partner in the development of our Centre of Excellence in Trauma Care. Thanks to all participants, we can now offer care that is at the forefront of the latest research, save more lives, and improve quality of life for patients and their families after traumatic injuries. The support generated by the Youth Challenge helps us become an international leader in pediatric trauma care. »

Dr. Marie-Lyne Nault,
Orthopedic Surgeon
« Musculoskeletal traumas are part of my experience every day. The community’s involvement to support research allows us to optimize the care of these specific injuries and foster the patient’s safe return to sports and an active life, and to limit future complications related to joint pain. »

Miriam Beauchamp,
Researcher and Neuropsychologist
« To improve research in traumatology improves emergency care and the ongoing care of children who have suffered from head trauma. Thank you for your involvement on their behalf! »

Dr Guillaume Emériaud,
Pediatric intensive care physician
« Sainte-Justine’s Youth Challenge is a major event for us here in Intensive Care, because we see the impact it has on our patients every single day. In the ICU, we care for the most severe cases of traumatic injury.
The equipment we have acquired because of the Youth Challenge helps us keep a close eye on our patients’ progress so we can respond even more quickly and more effectively. This helps maximize their chances for a successful recovery, with as few long-term effects as possible. »

Dre Isabelle Perreault,
Plastic surgeon, CHU Sainte-Justine Pediatric Burn Program
« The Youth Challenge is vital to our injury and burn unit programs. It lets us all work together toward a common goal: providing state-of-the-art care to our kids. The Youth Challenge is making a real difference in their lives! »