Where your donations go?

Did you know that trauma is the leading cause of death for youths under 18?
Did you also know that the CHU Sainte-Justine is the main trauma care centre in the province?
That 15% of the children in its emergency room at any given time are victims of trauma?
That 100 out of every 600 children hospitalized each year for trauma at Saint-Justine have suffered a severe trauma?
This is why all donations raised by the Youth Challenge since 2013 have been dedicated to the development of the CHU Sainte-Justine Centre of Excellence in Trauma Care
In 2017-2018, more than $725,000 was raised towards the purchase of essential equipment that will help save more lives:

Belmont® Rapid Infuser RI-2
This technology is credited with saving thousands of lives globally by infusing warm blood and fluid into patients experiencing massive blood loss.

Arctic Sun® 5000 Temperature Management System
This device is designed to monitor and control a patient's temperature for rapid assessment of his condition. It can even initiate warming if the patient's temperature decreases.

Haptic Master VR
The HapticMaster VR is a robot used in rehabilitation of the upper limbs. This robot contributes to the recovery of sensory function in patients through an immersive virtual reality environment.
Your donations make a different and help saving more lives, read on to see how :

EVA (Virtual Anesthesia Monitor)
The EVA virtual anesthesia monitor tracks vital signs during an operation to provide anesthesiologists with access to critical patient information in real time.

Mobile medical imaging device
When every second counts, this mobile medical imaging device is a game-changer: it can take X-rays right in the emergency room! These images can be viewed in less than 5 seconds without the patient having to move.

Echographe Doppler
The Intensive Care Unit of the CHU Saint-Justine now owns a transcranial Doppler ultrasound. This piece of equipment is essential to quickly verify the normal flow of blood to the brain in a patient with a traumatic brain injury (TBI), and avoid negative aftereffects.

TraumaChild + VAC
These two simulation mannequins, Trauma Child and Vascular Access Child, allow response teams to practice the installation of central venous catheters and other surgical processes used in traumatology. Through regular practice, the teams can always be at the ready to make the right call and save a life!

The Licox is a device that constantly monitors the oxygen level in a patient’s brain, which helps prevent negative aftereffects from traumatic brain injuries.

Smart beds
In 2010, 29 smart beds were acquired for intensive care patients, a first in the Canadian and Québécois pediatric field! With the help of this ultramodern technology, the Sainte-Justine teams can make informed decisions more rapidly than ever before.

Portable ultrasound device with an archiving system
Thanks to the donations raised in 2017-2018, the emergency response teams have access to a second unit of this portable ultrasound device that comes with an archiving system. When every minute counts, it helps save precious time, and the trauma team can scan patients as soon as they arrive on site in cases of abdominal trauma.

This microscope can diagnose and treat dental trauma more quickly and more efficiently than previous tools. It is now an essential part of the CHU Sainte-Justine Centre of Excellence in Trauma Care equipment.

Matelas RIK
RIK mattresses are specially designed to avoid pressure sores. Children who are hospitalized for extended periods of time can therefore focus all their energy on recovery and healing.

Used for training purposes, the Sonosim simulates ultrasound images via a portable computer and an ultrasound wand placed on a mannequin, making simulations more realistic and ultimately enabling a more rapid and efficient response when rendering care.

Cough assist machine to limit pulmonary atelectasis
Pulmonary atelectasis is a collapse of the pulmonary alveoli, the millions of tiny pockets into which air rushes before it passes into the blood. This machine serves to reduce the risk of complications after surgery by simulating a natural cough, which allows the patient to effectively clear his respiratory tract.

Hemodynamic monitoring system (CO STATUS)
CO STATUS technology permits the measurement of important parameters related to blood circulation, such as cardiac output. It is used as a complement to standard methods, such as cardiac ultrasound and blood tests. This device is used with unstable patients – for example, those with severe burns or who have suffered multiple traumas.